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How forced labor became the “liberal” agenda

I’ve advocated for universal basic income, at least as a stepping stone towards figuring out how we can better distribute tasks and resources amongst ourselves in better ways; ways that might be geared towards post-scarcity or to be less beholden to a constant plundering of the future in the name of infinite “growth”.

Ergo, I oppose UBI’s polar opposite, “arbetslinjen”, a cruel Swedish policy designed to police and enforce labor through undercutting all other ways of life.

How parties that brand themselves with “liberal”, “libertarian”, “freedom” became pavers of the road to serfdom might sound weird until you remember that those parties cherry-pick whatever they want from the two mutually contradictory ideologies of liberalism and conservativism as long as it fits their true aim which is comfort for the employing class; owners of means of production.

Arbetslinjen is understandably popular among the left who hate their job but have been propagandized to think “why should I suffer alone?” instead of “why should I suffer like this?”