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Art theft spinning the heart around a wire

Computational differentiability features are cool and all, but I just get so distracted at the prospect of stealing art that once that’s brought into the conversation I can’t think of anything else. I just love stealing art so much. Not only breaking into art galleries and grabbing stuff, but also torrents, image search, photographing paintings, even looking at them and then later thinking about them in my own imagination… I just can’t get enough! For example, my head is full of that “Christina’s world” Andrew Wyeth painting right now. I can look at it in my mind’s eye. Or that John Romita and Mickey Demeo splash page when Parker throws the Spider-Man costume in the garbage can. Haven’t seen it for years but it’s made an indelible impression on my mind.

I was so glad when Steamboat Willie finally entered the public domain and I can’t wait to see what stories and fairy tales will grow out of that that’s about genuine appreciation of our public domain and not just defacing and mocking.

C·30 C·60 C·90 Go! Off the radio I get a constant flow!