Idiomdrottning’s homepage

Bihost Gemini first

Trihosting usually refer to hosting the same texts on https, gemini, and gopher, and bihosting means being on two of the three, in my case the two former ones.

I spend some effort making texts that look like they belong natively both here on the web and over on Gemini.

For example, links on the web are inline while links on Gemini are their own lines.

I’ve been using the “Idiomdrottning” nick since the 90s, got this domain in 2009, this webpage in 2010, originally only for paintings and comics, the oldest long-form text posts are from 2014. I had to drag it kicking and screaming into the world of Gemini which helped form my view that “whaddayamean ‘simpler web’, it made my process a lot more complex!”

But there’s an easier way: start a gemini capsule first! And then bring it over to the web with a personal proxy or a gemini-to-html app. Easy, faithful, simple to write and maintain.

I tell you to enjoy life, I wish I could but it’s too late!♥