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Takes a list and splits it in order into smaller lists such that each list contains one pred. If there are no pred, that’s fine, DTRT silently i.e. make a one-element list containing the whole list.

(define (vowel? l) ((as-list (c member l)) "aeiou"))

(define (chunk-by pred lis) (list lis))

(define (chunk-by pred lis)
  (receive (hd tl)
      (split-at lis (add1 (require number? (list-index pred lis))))
    (cons hd (chunk-by pred (require (c any pred) tl)))))

(chunk-by vowel? (string->list "somejunk"))

⇒ ((#\s #\o) (#\m #\e) (#\j #\u #\n #\k))