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Four boxes

The American right wing: “Shoot people who threaten freedom
The left: “Ok!”
The right: “No, not like that”

We have the ballot box and the bullet box… How about the ballet box? 🩰 Some art feels like just what I need right now.

The version of the four boxes that I remember from Usenet had mail box (talk to your representatives), soap box (rant about them publicly), ballet box (vote against them), and ammo box (…??!? Implied: shoot them?!?!!?). Not into it! I can’t fight! If there’s a war between good and evil, good would lose since it’s evil to fight! Even if good did win, it would’ve become evil through fighting, so that’d still be evil that took the throne.

We’re at a dilemma here. The world has a problem, climate change, which requires enforcing behaviors since if enough people do drill and frack, we’re over. But the entire point of stopping climate change is to save people; I don’t wanna shoot the people we wanted to save in the first place! I’m a fan of a pretty far-reaching “throw away your light sabers” form of pacifism. “Wars do not make one great.”

The “four boxes” system of democracy seems like it’s not fully thought-through; it doesn’t fundamentally address the two-party consequence of FPTP voting, the ratchet effect caused by that, and the ever-increasing flow of money and corruption. I sure hope someone smart figures out a way to patch this world up a bit!