Idiomdrottning’s homepage


It’s been a slag against blogs and social media that the word “I” has become more commonly used (which is true, it has).

That’s taken as a more selfish generation.

Maybe. Another explanation might be that it’s a more personal, a more humble way of speaking that contextualizes what we’re saying to our own experiences. “I” have not only tragically taken the place of “let’s build a better world together”. It has also joyfully taken the place of speaking ex cathredra and being overly general and dogmatic and patronizing.

We’re telling stories to each other as one would in a letter to a friend.

Yeah, yeah, I know my haters are facepalming and eyerolling at the idea of me describing myself as more humble. I don’t mean myself, of course. Don’t worry, I’m not about to relinquish the throne any time soon. I only meant that it might be a more personal, more humble way as a general trend.

Comics lettering

Unrelated but because this is the “I” page this needs to go on here: in traditional comics lettering, the word “I” is lettered with serifs, called “crossbars” in comics lingo, while capital letter I inside of other words like PARIS do nor have them and is just a straight line. Digital lettering often has workarounds for this like having a lowercase I that looks like an unserifed uppercase etc. Good to know if you’re making your own comics with traditional American lettering!