Idiomdrottning’s homepage


Idiomdrottning demonstrates a new and often cleaner way to solve most systems problems. The system as a whole is likely to feel tantalizingly familiar to culture users but at the same time quite foreign.

The implementation of the formal semantics and reference implementations for various Idiomdrottning components and libraries can be found here.

To contact me, send mail to pgp key


serier — comics, polyptychs

  1. Text editing at home
  2. Idiomdrottning vs Inktober 2021
  3. Concrete
  4. I know that
  5. It’s time to write two letters
  6. Open Water
  7. Good Feeling
  8. Idiomdrottning vs Botober
  9. Djurskjutaren (pngcbz)
  10. Is literature against us?
  11. Samsara’s End, pt1
  12. Space smuggler goes to heaven
  13. Space smuggler goes to jail
  14. Knak!
  15. Idiomdrottning vs Inktober − bag it!
  16. Hour by hour
  17. Ta’t piano, kungen!
  18. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Doctor
  19. Roll away the stone, roll away the stone
  20. Pandoraskrin med magnetknäppe
  21. C₁₅H₁₂N₂O
  22. Tjena, kexet. Här ligger du och smular.
  23. 35/36
  24. One day the gates opened
  25. Öghanden Två
  26. zmadu


bilder — single images

  1. Moi, Bonnie, je tremble
  2. Peace beats Victory
  3. Berenice’s pearls
  4. COBOL and now it’s dark
  5. I’m gonna need more than a “maybe”
  6. We found it in the trash and then it started screaming
  7. I can’t quite crawl back into a 1994 mindset
  8. Att det ska vara så svårt
  9. Farväl mina armar
  10. As I am
  11. Amour Dure
  12. Dil
  13. The sacred calm of nature
  14. As the wind sweeps the meadow
  15. Eight arms to hold you
  16. The nitty-gritty of policy
  17. …that drowns the tender reed
  18. Det svindlande beloppet av tolvhundra francs
  19. The holy one bends and contracts
  20. Frida Kahlo in a style reminiscent of Dr Seuss (with Grinch doll)
  21. Risk
  22. Slither
  23. Patch
  24. Crispy
  25. Spark
  26. zmadu


konstruktioner — MOCs

  1. Kohaku
  2. The Heartless Crane


texter — texts

  1. Wishful thinkers on the right of me, hopeful fools on the left, here I am stuck in the middle with you
  2. Radlands vs Netrunner
  3. Haiku
  4. Hardening newlines
  5. Secret-keeping is the DM's most important job
  6. Tooticki
  7. The CD disc
  8. Burgare i ugnen
  9. RFC on e-ink readers
  10. Bus trouble
  11. End of “World of Ends“
  12. The redundant pages in paper calendars
  13. Masto's “explore” tab
  14. Word Games
  15. Books vs Internet
  16. Dashes
  17. The Zone of Suck
  18. YAML is half bad
  19. Huge hexes FTW
  20. That'd be about square
  21. How I wash dishes using very little water
  22. The State-Sponsored Nangijala Trip
  23. Mixing Rules Cyclopedia D&D with GURPS
  24. Influence rolls
  25. Lesmosyne
  26. zmadu