Idiomdrottning’s homepage


Idiomdrottning demonstrates a new and often cleaner way to solve most systems problems. The system as a whole is likely to feel tantalizingly familiar to culture users but at the same time quite foreign.

The implementation of the formal semantics and reference implementations for various Idiomdrottning components and libraries can be found here.

To contact me, send mail to


bilder — single images

  1. I hope my dream never haunted you
  2. We also have
  3. Pentacular Deployment
  4. Nominal Harmonics
  5. But you’re not alone, I’m here
  6. Polyvinyl Chloride
  7. Poison Eating Club, New Recruit
  8. Radio Rire
  9. I need to ask you something
  10. Her name means “No Mercy”
  11. Quaint
  12. Wake up
  13. Bird by bird
  14. Pet
  15. Slack your rope
  16. Wasting my days
  17. Ekbom
  18. Fjärilsbädden
  19. Prinsessan Korsordica
  20. Dreamer
  21. Dull
  22. Deep
  23. Moi, Bonnie, je tremble
  24. Peace beats Victory
  25. Berenice’s pearls
  26. COBOL and now it’s dark
  27. I’m gonna need more than a “maybe”
  28. We found it in the trash and then it started screaming
  29. I can’t quite crawl back into a 1994 mindset
  30. Att det ska vara så svårt
  31. Farväl mina armar
  32. As I am
  33. Amour Dure
  34. Dil
  35. The sacred calm of nature
  36. As the wind sweeps the meadow
  37. Eight arms to hold you
  38. The nitty-gritty of policy
  39. …that drowns the tender reed
  40. Det svindlande beloppet av tolvhundra francs
  41. The holy one bends and contracts
  42. Frida Kahlo in a style reminiscent of Dr Seuss (with Grinch doll)
  43. Risk
  44. Slither
  45. Patch
  46. Crispy
  47. Spark
  48. Connect
  49. Splat
  50. Extinct
  51. Leak
  52. Open
  53. Fuzzy
  54. Sprout
  55. Loop
  56. Moon
  57. Collide
  58. Compass
  59. Helmet
  60. Tick
  61. Roof
  62. Stuck
  63. Sour
  64. Pick
  65. Pressure
  66. Watch
  67. Fan
  68. Spirit
  69. Raven
  70. Knot
  71. Vessel
  72. Suit
  73. Crystal
  74. What did I think was the point of this abstract piece? I forget
  75. Not as far as I know
  76. “Why do you keep picking at this scab?” “Well… because I haven’t found what I was looking for yet.”
  77. I don’t even wanna upload this one I miss you terribly I’m sorry for hating you so much but I can’t hack it alone either
  78. Doing well, considering(high rez)
  79. Trust
  80. Ange du chemin
  81. Chain
  82. Some kinda… “frog monster”?
  83. Madeira III
  84. Madeira II
  85. Madeira
  86. Irareth
  87. Behira Thistleburn
  88. Ennui? No, I agree. Shame, on the other hand…
  89. Ut härifrån!
  90. Romögat
  91. She found his complete dullness interesting
  92. Hur kan något helt sakna värde? II
  93. Buoys
  94. Special Friend
  95. Isaiah 40:6
  96. Kiss, Kiss💋
  97. Looks Like Your Type
  98. A quiet bar on the edge of town
  99. Recursive Sucker
  100. Suckers
  101. All I Need Is Patience
  102. And that, my think, is true love! (I think I’m gonna pass out)
  103. Sharp thing to let out
  104. Tired of Seizures
  105. Expensive Therapy
  106. Korn och vallmo, I
  107. Abna
  108. Wrapped up in Academia
  109. A Closer Look
  110. Fear of Success
  111. self-destruct code
  112. What is it like to be a dog.
  113. Barter, or whatever
  114. You Will Find That You Cannot Escape From This Research Station
  115. Enzyme-Scooped Salad It Is Actually More Than 100% Natural
  116. Terror Monger
  117. Mouths
  118. Superior Tea Service
  119. The Lonely Life of Comets
  120. Sore Thumb
  121. Bärande på det samma
  122. The number m
  123. Lava.
  124. Space butterfly
  125. Pudding
  126. Pretzels As A Being
  127. Coffee I Am A Machine That Is Built To Drink Coffee
  128. What is food
  129. A river that runs like this - —>
  130. Gravity
  131. An object 1 cm tall that is metallic
  132. Giraffes
  133. Two doorways
  134. A fractal
  135. Toilets in various stations
  136. failure three times in quick succession
  137. (Blank)
  138. Blobby things, ones not attached to the floor
  139. Juice For Humans
  140. Fierce Tortoise Champion
  141. Zodiac
  142. An object that is not a doughnut but is also not a flower
  143. Robot riding bicycle
  144. Y
  145. sponge planets
  146. A farm animal with purple spots.
  147. Promote Synergy
  148. Baseball Bones
  149. Insect Priest
  150. Each of you, a bordered country
  151. Burgers Every Day
  152. Getting Even
  153. Ah… when he walks…
  154. J.K. Giger’s Debt to Society
  155. I’m Your Friend
  156. Product
  157. Weird Nabe
  158. Bottle Cadet
  159. Any man’s death diminishes me
  160. Gnawed to the core
  161. Consequent Island
  162. No one could be happier…
  163. Quantity Gallery
  164. Self-Care is important
  165. Reading outside
  166. European Hypermedialization
  167. (Content Warning: Nightmare imagery) That’s what I’ve been calling you
  168. After awhile you could get used to anything
  169. Pourquoi est-elle si difficile?
  170. Billo
  171. To To Serve and Protect
  172. …never finished, only abandoned
  173. En snyftande hög
  174. Sommartider
  175. Sluta måla dina mardrömmar nu
  176. Ray of Disintegration
  177. Du tror att du är så smart…
  178. Stanna, för Guds skull! Stanna!
  179. Fat Lips Bring Mad Tips
  180. Lump in the Proverbial
  181. Close your eyes, and relax…
  182. Memphis/Nashville/Knoxville/Chattanooga
  183. Venus
  184. Never get hungry
  185. How was the math test?
  186. Of Course
  187. It can mean a struggle for authority
  188. It’s useless to worry about things that already happened and cannot be changed
  189. Dantooine Elegy
  190. Walk of Life
  191. Pundhuven
  192. Trygghet
  193. Geranium and Sandra — ink edition
  194. FinFinally finding it
  195. Path 5 (Delta)
  196. Hur kan något helt sakna värde?
  197. The nihilist canvas is an open ocean
  198. Consumer anxiety and “fear of missing out” represented by a cheap-ass Clive Barker ripoff
  199. I could swear you just
  200. Det fladdrar till i en tyllgardin
  201. Getting two-for-oned
  202. Magda
  203. Dozen of the Other
  204. Office Chair
  205. Shift
  206. Nineteen Seventy
  207. Geraniums and Sandra
  208. Ashinell
  209. Var skulle dom annars vara?
  210. EBT
  211. Slice
  212. Jolt
  213. Double
  214. Gift
  215. Thunder
  216. Stretch
  217. Prickly
  218. Chop
  219. Muddy
  220. Expensive
  221. Drain
  222. Breakable
  223. Scorched
  224. Bottle
  225. Swollen
  226. Angular
  227. Weak
  228. Clock
  229. Guarded
  230. Whale
  231. Cruel
  232. Flowing
  233. Precious
  234. Star
  235. Exhausted
  236. Drooling
  237. Chicken
  238. Spell
  239. Roasted
  240. Tranquil
  241. Poisonous
  242. Garden Head
  243. megaphone
  244. Meaningless 90s
  245. Negotiations breaking down
  246. Reprimand
  247. How can I…?
  248. Ly Saga
  249. 1300
  251. reptinspo
  252. Une «une»
  253. Self Portrait, Spring 2018
  254. Sisyphe Tesselation
  255. Verdigris
  256. At least I saved him
  257. It’s the 80:s now, Petronka! (Still love you, though)
  258. Réfléchis! Où m’as-tu vu?
  259. Satellite Brood
  260. Lost my gunner
  261. Honey, my heart’s in a mess
  262. …harvested
  263. Nine of Wands
  264. True Love, have you brought me hope?
  265. We do belong here
  266. Counting the mileposts to Vilnius
  267. Cold fever line
  268. What number of roads walked would you consider appropriate?
  269. The problems in hand are lighter than at heart
  270. Bring it into the small world
  271. …was the sweet-talking son-of-a…
  272. Ibiala
  273. [CW!] “Elegant” Ghost
  274. And the banned kept on playing
  275. Maslow’s hierarchy of bring it
  276. Kellyanne, aujourd’hui
  277. Synecdoche
  278. Each take
  279. Release me
  280. Sword Basket Tesselation
  281. Johnny Panic and the Jukebox of Trinkets
  282. Les yeux de Cassilda
  283. Dancing Physics
  284. The Original Underground
  285. This again?
  286. South East Tesselation
  287. Paces
  288. Crab-Man
  289. Spellscream
  290. XII — संसार
  291. Self Portrait, Spring 2016
  292. Kanin maskros
  293. Ternary Thue-Morse
  294. 詩吟と作務 は 「ŌRĀ ET LABŌRĀ」
  295. Remembrance of judgement
  296. Differential
  297. You won’t get lost
  298. One more coat
  299. Comet Rider
  300. Somehow, it fell into place
  301. Orka
  302. You wouldn’t like me, I guess…
  303. It Ain’t Home
  304. It’s rare for a reason
  305. Seven–Ten
  306. She whispered “Jag älskar dig”
  307. Mr. Ms. Pac-Man
  308. The X-Card is Not Enough
  309. As far as I understand it
  310. Numberless Dealings
  311. Lilla mamma
  312. In the chill of the night
  313. You meet this guy…
  314. Lamentations of the Flame Princess
  315. Polymelia 1 2 3
  316. Tiny Bird
  317. Pebbles
  318. Sock Man, Wire Hands
  319. No, My Child
  320. Waiting Face
  321. lo se xebni
  322. Water Lilies
  323. Entomophagy Choreography
  324. Let’s just pack it up and go
  325. Honey, is that true?
  326. 50 gram jäst, alltså!
  327. All I need now is intellectual intercourse
  328. This Wheel’s on Fire
  329. Johnny/Kirurgi
  330. Tonårsgoth never ends
  331. Spring-clean for the May-Queen
  332. Bring the Ruckus
  333. Dragon Slayer
  334. Just make it home
  335. Twelve-sided die
  336. Lost in the Valley of Pleasure
  337. I only wanted for you what you wanted for yourself
  338. Akebäck
  339. Octopus vs Clown
  340. Det var länge sen jag plockade några blommor
  341. Ghostly Piano
  342. Dressed for Success
  343. Hotplate DJ
  344. Glowing rolling pin
  345. Among the trees
  346. Curling up inside my private tortures
  347. Think happy thoughts, Peter!