Idiomdrottning’s homepage


Idiomdrottning demonstrates a new and often cleaner way to solve most systems problems. The system as a whole is likely to feel tantalizingly familiar to culture users but at the same time quite foreign.

The implementation of the formal semantics and reference implementations for various Idiomdrottning components and libraries can be found here.

To contact me, send mail to


  1. Designing the perfect lock screen and notifications system
  2. The Dystopian Hellscape of Apple's 1987 Knowledge Navigator Concept Video
  3. Enh, I tried…
  4. Contexts and sequencing
  5. Habit Hooks
  6. SVT mot internet
  7. Wielding the Unfree Will
  8. Doing the work
  9. Proving a negative
  10. Thinking is not enough
  11. GTD in a connected world
  12. Subjective time
  13. Delayed disappointment
  14. The redundant pages in paper calendars
  15. How notifications support “normal work”
  16. What counts as screentime?
  17. One “left”, one “right”—brain edition
  18. LIFO vs FIFO
  19. Calm notifications
  20. Savoring & Wandering
  21. “Little and often” vs “only once”
  22. Postponing things
  23. Dot & Do
  24. The two-minute rule in GTD
  25. No baby is an island
  26. The ruthless efficiency of spoons
  27. What was Inbox Zero?
  28. Zettelkasten
  29. Re: A Productivity System For Creators
  30. The Procrastination of the Dharma Eye
  31. How to get back to GTD if you've been off it for a while
  32. File the Future
  33. Push, Pull, Browse, Read
  34. The secrets to writing so damned much
  35. The Noguchi Filing System
  36. Doing it
  37. There are two kinds of notes
  38. Choosing SOFA
  39. GTD bad paths
  40. GTD basics
  41. One offline night
  42. Supposedly simpler than GTD
  43. GTD overview
  44. PDA vs books
  45. Better enough
  46. Towards a sweet spot of urgency
  47. Shopping seldomly (without meal-planning)
  48. Being up
  49. Deep Work, No Work, and GTD
  50. “Good” is the enemy of “perfect”
  51. Söt kalender