- The Terminal and the Shell
- Three Different Kinds of Commands
- A new operator and data structure for adding dice
- Fast probability calculation for three tiers of die result
- Writing Inkscape word balloons in Emacs
- Quick script for stacking images into an .ora
- Tau Enough
- Treasure
- Bouncing ball brush
- Deferring Email with Notmuch and Emacs
- Notmuch Search to Atom Feed
- Emacs windows
- A “Junk” tag in DWM
- No, you hang up!
- Reading books via PDF on desktop
- Converting TLDR to man pages
- Hardlinks from a Git repo
- In praise of SXML's @-marker
- Comic Snarfer
- README file → blog post
- nmsync
- Xendros
- xj — HTML to JSON
- Curling up inside my private bash pipes
- Adding gemini urls to Pleroma
- Line Moving Semantics
- emv — emacs aware CLI mv
- A mnemonic for caddar, cadadr and similar
- numeronym-at-point
- I kinda hate enums
- Offset Indexing
- toot2notmuch
- Mailcatch
- blankbetweenlinks
- Bad Language Contempt
- Schapcom
- Bits & Pieces
- Gemini for Pandoc
- Named Let → Fold
- Skillnaden mellan Matrix och XMPP
- fantastic-ret for org-mode
- mdna — a branch of Molly Brown
- git clone yadda.yadda/yadda; cd yadda
- mg — Muine-style Grep
- A fold is a map
- I Want a New Folksonomy
- My XML sunk cost
- How to put an end to Magit and its wonderful popups
- CSS — Back to Basics
- Side effects may include
- Runaway JavaScript Spec
- from dead+space
- Digital Rain
- Keyboard Saga, pt 3
- songname
- unzip is applied zip
- Buoys in the Harbor
- define-ir-syntax
- a call-with-current-continuation is a simple thing
- Fancy defines
- A paredit pro tip
- with-result
- bind is all right
- Assorted Embarrassment
- Blunders and kludges
- Scheme Refactoring Catalog
- My current Atreus layout (work in progress)
- On top of Emacs' god-mode
- Re: SV: Re: SV: Re: SV: Your misbehaved email
- Deliberate Usability Obstacles
- Zero-width spaces
- weather-checker
- define-curry
- The Empty Truth
- Extend the language
- as-list
- Over
- strse
- brev-separate
- brev
- Automatically make unit tests
- Call-tables
- Code-walking with call-tables
- call-vector and call-string
- Can you slice it, Artoo?
- call-table-generics
- fn and over
- The fanciest define of all time
- Naming philosophy (for Lisp stuff)
- Getting used to the fanciest define of all time
- define-options
- Descend
- Language grab-bag, chapter 1
- breadpub
- Clojure-like destructuring in brev
- call table literals
- gemrefinder
- Whitespace philosophy (for Lisp stuff)
- When worse got better
- Scheme, if you already know how to program other stuff
- Separating schema from selection
- Bad Emacs defaults
- Gemini Ain't Broke
- Inliniac
- define vs let
- Wrapping and raising
- Azorius vs Simic at the compiler
- User/Dev dialectics in FOSS
- Out of the box vs Do it yourself
- Clojure namespaces
- The Inliniac Goes to Town
- Changing inflexible code
- Matrix and its bridges
- Dicebot
- Treasure Jukebox
- Against Pinocchio
- LaTeX, Lout, ConTeXt
- The worst things about iPad OS
- Types are useful
- You can tell I really really wanna complain about it but I'm not gonna
- preserve
- Trivial Patents
- Second second
- newline1 and skip1
- A conditionally transforming combinator
- Duck typing
- Back panel settings
- dwim-sort
- git clarity
- sexpc
- Lambda, the Ultimate Copilot
- Type-Driven Development
- Emacs Basics
- How to host git repos
- Good book, bad language
- salparse
- Signal
- A simple mess
- Romancing Sisyphus' Stone
- zshbrev
- A problem with Guile's defmacro
- Talking about my generation
- Call-tables and Medea
- How the Lenia evolver works
- Proof of Stake
- When an AI researcher didn't research AI
- Why it's OK that PGP sucks
- cst
- Record destructuring with brev
- quasiwalk
- How the repos on this site work
- ref*
- Tools vs standards
- define-er-syntax*
- Unix filters on region
- Sloppy tree accessors
- The painless way to multiple values on Scheme
- Unit testing
- Using rcirc with
- Dependencies
- WYSIWYG vs markup
- YAML vs StrictYAML
- Font size on the web
- fix-me-now
- A proposed package alert system
- An SVG path data library for Chicken Scheme
- Matchable's custom destructing
- Everyone, learn how to code
- Undertexter
- A simple parser
- geminih — Not Invented Here gemtext to SXML
- The life-changing magic of git
- The diminishing inconveniences of contributing to GitHub projects
- The fanciest define of all time gets even more awesome
- Simple Haskell examples expressed in brev
- Federation and forges
- parabola
- “Hey” post mortem and a new life for email
- The unbearable quirkiness of Linux group permissions
- An adapter between irregex and ropes
- glex
- A glex/acetone example
- In defense of ReStructuredText
- The IRC client optimized for creepers
- RFC 2646's Format=Flowed and inline quoting
- go install a fork
- Grawlix
- Emacs undo and me
- Escape hatches
- schlemoize
- Emphasis vs Italics
- def-briefly-mode
- M-q in visual-line-mode
- Gemini vs Web Semantics
- Trailing slashes on rsync paths
- Cypherpunk
- Our current FOSS dystopia
- rss-mash
- Usenet had to die
- Idiomdrottning brace style
- linkhut2outdoors
- My email setup
- Pull-requesting the enemy
- Put w3m in your pipe and smoke it
- Finding GPG keys
- What about efail?
- Local repo copies
- Automatic commit message formatting
- Ready-made regexp replacers
- NIH with a ribbon bookmark
- Retro markdown-mode for Emacs
- Adless Kineto
- Age for email
- Re: Stop Using Encrypted Email
- Branching & Patching
- Judging a programming language
- Wiki on the wider web
- Applying thread patches with Emacs Notmuch
- Old-School Emacs Regions
- Merging vs Rebasing
- Shell scripting with completing-read
- In praise of the half-baked tarball
- The Dystopia of Web-Only Documentation
- Tabs in Emacs code
- The past is in the past except on the web
- cozify-window
- git setup-email
- History of call-tables
- Why the define from match-generics needs to be called in order
- Why Emacs
- Mid-level–tinfoil wishlist for package managers
- Starting a new brev project
- Staging is great
- Turning into .debs with FPM
- The awesomeness of require
- Fixing mistyped spaces
- Creating PRs from the command line
- lspls
- cfgmagit
- Idempotent switches
- Re: I used to think CSS was good
- FOSS — still great
- Throwing robots at it
- My experience with Secure Scuttlebutt
- YAML is half bad
- RFC on e-ink readers
- Tooticki
- Hardening newlines
- Modern XMPP
- Coding for yourself is OK
- Finding PGP keys
- Put that in your CLI and smoke it
- Shared solutions
- chunk-by
- md, mvd and cpd
- Watching Jellyfin videos with VLC
- Pagination
- The Narrow Gate to the Long Tail
- BankID stänger dörrar
- Gruber's CUPS of Chowder
- Näringsvärde per hundra gram
- My current stance on copyright
- Sugars, meat, dairy
- Datakraft
- Computing Power
- Hur ska vi nå klimatförnekarna som utnyttjar LCHF-kulturen?
- Du vet att media är brunt när…
- Flygskatt
- Existentialism and Veganism
- Vad några inte har fattat med corona
- Andersson och Pettersson och Engström och jag
- Get Busy Being Born
- Sluta greenwasha, Krav!
- Franklin Street Statement on Freedom and Network Services
- Ancom 2020?
- Central Planning vs Living Systems
- Bush v. Gore
- Social Democracy's Elusive Transparent Dangling Carrot
- Preshold
- Employee Funds
- Understandable, Comprehensible
- Politics
- Means vs Ends
- Overpopulation
- Re: Veganism
- Economics of Mittens & Socks
- If by a true Scotsman's whiskey, you mean
- Freedom Zero
- When an autograph destroyed the world
- Smuts-nuckor
- The Kumbaya Doctrine
- It might as well be winter all year long
- Throne Culture
- When someone complains about cancel culture…
- China's Western Values
- Re: r0ml on FLOSS
- Wonders of the World, № 8 through 19
- Release early, or only when it it's perfect?
- Ice Cream Car Crash
- Externalities
- Farewell, Hanlon
- Alternatives
- When I hated Mondays
- When the EU wanted to crank up solar
- What happened to the world of tomorrow?
- Breaking Things at Work
- It's been late-stage capitalism for a while now
- Also cap and trade sucks
- My political self-caricature
- What a copyright license can do
- Most blank on the cinder
- Keep infrastructure free
- Two reasons why “The Big Lie” is a bad name
- One hand knows what the other hand does
- Cost, value, and price
- Bagholders and suckers
- Anti-natalism (and other problems)
- A GDPR mystery
- Tense Putin
- Against Pinocchio
- I Doubt It
- Reactionaries
- Discussing copyright and scarcity
- Capital and Copyright
- Help! My rising tide is lifting all those boats!
- The Art that Broke the Mold
- Election Strategy
- You say you want a revolution
- Free speech, vs itself
- Rikspolischefen
- Doubling down on Paludan
- Mandatory Planet-Wrecking
- A sinking tide lowers all boats
- Divest
- Orc bashing was bad all this time
- The Unacceptable Speech
- Blank is Great
- The open and just society
- Astrid vs Hitler
- The limits of case-by-casing it
- One “left”, one “right”, that’s how I organize ‘em
- Intro to Yee Diagrams
- It has to be the radio, Ebba!
- Trivial Patents
- The Mantle of Responsibility
- Nej till NFT på Fotografiska!
- Pages on Fire
- Blame MMT
- Socialism
- Discourses of climate delay
- Relative degrees
- Communism against Earth
- Det banala pappret
- Debate
- An easier way to fail
- Obsolescence
- Romancing Sisyphus' Stone
- The quaint wealth gaps of history
- Low-Hanging Fruit
- Unconditional Basic Income
- Ta klimatet på allvar
- Doomers over the line
- Who can fix it?
- Anita Was Right
- SVT vs cloud
- Unchoir
- Vadå 'edivens'?
- Nuclear Disagreements
- Manchin's victory (on the cinder)
- Cheese
- The Viper Manchin
- Högkostnadsskydd för el är fel
- Swedish Block Politics
- My best guess at a climate solution
- Centerpartiets 200 förslag
- Ancom 2022?
- Balance of Power
- Proof of Stake
- Planned vs evolved behavior
- Intro to politics
- The Party of Fiscal Responsibility
- Farewell, anarchy
- Backlash from those who stepped away
- State vs Climate
- Avoiding Fascism
- When the world needed doomers
- UN 2050
- Integration
- När Liberalerna röstade för fascisterna
- Så här ser en högerhegemoni ut
- Renewable doesn't mean infinite
- EU's road away from fossil cars
- Dark Summer
- Cap vs Tax
- Bandypuls vs Public Service
- The Null Hypothesis
- There's a blaze of light in every word
- The “Russia Russia Russia” hoax
- Looking ahead together
- White Supremacy
- XR UK's new line
- The free market is an embarrassment
- Till moderater och socialdemokrater
- NATO vs Erdoğan
- Svensson vs socker
- Everyone, learn how to code
- These last few years
- When they didn't just leave it in the ground out of the goodness of their own hearts
- When the EU wanted to own all computers
- Phonics vs Whole Language Instruction
- Populism
- Robot Meets Doomer
- An even-handed and restrained criticism of police
- The Low-Hanging Climate Fruit
- “They” are only shooting “each other”
- Conservatism is means, not ends
- Därute
- Förvaltningsrätten och hetsaren
- Machine Learning—good and bad arguments against
- I think I'm paranoid
- The owner class
- Brownshirts vs climate
- Vatten- och skogskompromisserna
- Can conservatives care about the environment?
- The ebb tide
- Consent
- Inrikespolitiskt tjafs
- From a convo on ETS
- With their tanks
- Ecofascism
- What is a state?
- Energy rationing
- Copyleft and growth
- The Hope Pushers
- Human Rights
- A boardgame example of STAR voting
- Sympathy for the Copyright Devil
- Pull-requesting the enemy
- AI is UI
- Golgafrincham Ark Fleet Ship B
- Smash the... state?
- Stop Norway's drills!
- Don't ban e2ee
- Steel without fossils
- The “Well, actually”–nerd and world politics
- Why Sweden should not join the Euro currency
- Svennetestet
- Butlerian Jihad
- Is it you or is it the system?
- The Anti-Life Equation
- Properties of a good economics system
- Energy is undercosted
- Composition Considered Harmful
- Disinfo
- Network externalities
- Norms vs code
- The Green Wedge
- Political tipping points
- Recycling of TetraPaks in Sweden
- AI är dåligt men inte stöld
- If they look like my enemy, walk like my enemy, talk like my enemy, that still doesn't make them my enemy
- Might Makes Wrong
- Språkkrav utan lektioner
- What we all know about SCOTUS
- Stance on Copyright—short version
- “Clearly pirated” vs counterfeit
- Content Warning
- Wishing and hoping
- How to become OK with woke
- Degrowth isn't death
- Denying the ML antecedent
- Fake good news about our real bad habits
- Don't strawdoll
- Throwing robots at it
- Competition
- That'd be about square
- End of “World of Ends“
- Wishful thinkers on the right of me, hopeful fools on the left, here I am stuck in the middle with you
- First past the post
- Capitalism vs Space Communism
- When they tried to say that egoism was good
- If the perfect system isn't completely perfect, it's not the perfect system
- Probably the best gravel in the world
- Against the Appified Society
- Exploitation
- Overton window, yeah OK
- Hilltops over horseshoes
- Not enough polarization
- WIPO, WIPO, what is heaven like?
- Trump shot
- Utopian ghouls
- Automation vs Scarcity
- The two copyright questions in practice
- Templates and copies
- FOSS is so dumb
- Subsidized gasoline
- Sweden's fossil helpers
- Comparing costs of paper and digital
- Nolo contendere
- Four boxes
- Reward work
- Fake Swish
- Antisemitism
- Tomatbomben
- They've already got too much discipline
- Workers vs Owners is still a key conflict in 2024
- The Megacorporate Copyright Pirates
- Pebble Bed
- The Fancy Neighborhood
- Atomkraft? Nja tack
- Och nu har regeringen genast stoppat planerade 140 TWh i vindkraft
- Infocalypse Won
- Det nya partiprogrammet suger
- Medborgarskap
- Med svidande styng i dom otrognas bröst
- Regulate
- I can't think of an alternative to free speech
- How I do Insp in D&D 5e
- 1d4 hours, chance of waking up turn by turn
- My reactions to One Page Dungeon compendium 2016
- One Page Dungeon 2016 -- the good parts
- 5e Inspiration with a dash of Hillfolk
- Al-Qadim Golden Voyages weather tables as state machines
- 5e Slot Grid
- Hur spelledaren kan tänka
- Fluff älskar crunch
- The Resistance + Dramasystem mashup
- 5e house rule: Arrow threat
- A way to salvage linear modules
- Seeds & Petals theory
- 5e Inventory sheet
- Om att advantage inte stackar
- Two Player XP
- Three Pillars XP, revisited
- Inventory tracking without sheet
- (D&D) Introducing late night fighting
- The average HP to XP ratio of all pretties in the 5e SRD
- Almost catching up in mixed level 5e parties
- 5e Wound Threshold
- D&D Inventory System discussed in Excessive Detail
- Ammo Recovery
- Item sizes for (almost) everything
- World Building Workshop in Skövde, June 2019
- D&D Inspiration House Rules
- D&D Schools of Magic: the Gathering
- Drafta relationer för kampanjstart
- Treasure
- Landet fortsätter brinna (om diegetiska mekaniker)
- Nybörjarkurs i att bråka till sent på natten
- Wilderness
- Mötesslag
- Guardian Acorn
- Combining multiple encounter rolls
- Finer than 5% granularity on a 20-sided die
- XP for gold
- [5e] School of the Hard Knocks
- [D&D] Know each other
- 5e NPC stats
- Injury Threshold
- [D&D] Looking for Stuff Outdoors
- Lower ability scores in Five Torches Deep
- Aiming
- Timekeeping for DMs
- [5e] My take on one-digit monster stats
- [5e DM] Strong poison for the weak!
- Instant stats for D&D characters
- 5e initiative cards
- Principer för skräckregler
- “Star Wars 012” SWd6 mod
- New DM advice
- Rescuing railroads
- Xendros
- Oh, Injury!
- Clues in TRPG mysteries
- Revising Turns
- Musings on stats, post Tasha update
- Edition Peace
- My DM screen insert
- Climbing abilites compared
- Blorb Principles
- Dice: Curve vs Linear
- Converting to D&D
- Less intricate method of purchases and acquisitions
- RPG safety tools
- Atomic Encounters
- Extended Task Resolution
- Glossary of key phrases while DM:ing
- A li'l FKR caveat
- Stray Thoughts on Fight Pacing
- Blorb in Principia Apocrypha?
- War Pigs & The Mob Rules
- Half games
- OSE, O5R, and OSR monster stats
- Postfix rules, when describing action
- Getting started with D&D
- Flanking in D&D
- The Searcher class for 5e
- When to move forwards and when to give space
- Realism and blorb
- Expert / Warrior / Spellcaster XP
- Albatross Hexbook
- Slow Combat
- Pretty Much Searchers of the Unknown, Straight Up
- Lazy Evaluation in Blorb Prep
- Fate Outcomes
- Four Different Kinds of Rules Light
- 5e Fast Forage
- Trodde du dissade BitD?
- A blorb thought
- GURPS, hate it or love it?
- Skill systems and blorb
- The Old Verbal Components
- Autonomous Dorks
- The mensch↔hardass scale
- [DM] Prep toolbox? New Tepest.
- The Fictioneers talk about Blorb again
- Fragile Items
- Ghost Town (homebrew D&D spell)
- Say the DC
- Fate's Golden Rules
- Farewell, West Marches?
- Why fights take a long time
- Radically transparent DM-ing
- Why D&D over other RPGs?
- Steep XP curve
- Non-Lethal Force
- Fear and Delight
- How I use index cards for D&D
- DM organization
- Every single strike we have advantage
- Dicebot
- Treasure Jukebox
- Area of Effect
- Ranks, flight, reach, and hiding
- Chases and volley rounds
- 2d6 in Fate and Fudge
- Crunch at the right level
- Lists of CR groups
- Lockpicking house rules for D&D
- My dream for the 2024 D&D edition
- Houseruled Spells & Abilities
- Dirham och dinarer!
- Mirror Story
- Dungeon Outliner
- Wights Are Already Scary
- Drakar och Demoner
- Fudging Designers
- Modules and Toolboxes
- Drawbacks with, and alternatives to, the plotted side quest system
- Orc bashing was bad all this time
- What Tasha's Cauldron should have been
- Where I am with D&D
- In a cloud of wallpaper, bones of salience
- Daily logging on al-Toril
- Question-Based Design
- Job XP
- Point Crawl
- The Dungeon Map is not the Dungeon Territory
- Mellan vättar och pumpahuven
- Transparency of Method
- Eventually RPG
- Generate Veins Faster
- How to stock dungeons
- Your seven sources of dungeon maps
- Diagram Dungeons
- Adventure Game
- The Good and Bad of Random
- Diegetic mechanics
- Mysterious spells
- Being the Enemy
- Playing Ignorant
- Inverted DC
- The Silver Standard
- Unique Jewels
- Fractal subsystems
- Downtime Quest
- The purpose of spell scrolls
- Dungeon Crawling Speed, explained
- Fine Character Scale
- Shoes: the unknown resource
- Swashbuckling Initiative
- Railroading, fudging, and cheating
- I put horses heads in people's beds
- One D&D (first survey)
- Momentum attacks
- Bonus-action potion quaffing
- Dungeon room history, done right
- Why monsters have HP
- Deadly Encounters vs Deadly Dungeons
- Fail Forward is bad for gaming
- Skill checks
- D&D's Trope Overlay
- 5.1 D&D doomsday averted
- Starforged initial impressions
- Fun in games
- Moving the MacGuffin
- Talislanta: The Savage Land's monster challenge ratings
- 1e monsters in 5e, take three
- Reverse swarm
- Attack value
- Why the old-school style works well for 5e
- Monster Trivia
- The “Tens-Complement” system
- Retcon-style mechanics
- Fortune at the End
- Wither proficiency dice?
- Slot diegetics
- Re: Bullet Points vs Prose
- Character-tailored play
- Antiblorb
- Scripted rooms in D&D
- Nitfol vs Blorb
- Blorbprinciperna och badhustjuven
- Metagaming, part one—D&D
- Realtime D&D exploration
- Role-playing tips
- Limiting improvisation
- Describing rooms
- Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
- D&D at the drop of a hat
- Rules-light, prep-heavy
- Thank you, Wizardry
- Prose vs Game
- Why I wanna try a rules-light game
- Arden Vul review and experiences
- Hexcrawling the dungeon
- Blending the Seams
- The self-balancing mathematics of D&D
- New characters are level one
- GM-less roleplaying games
- The Quest Queue
- No rolling behind a screen
- Fungocalypse
- Capability-based characters
- Trying to rephrase Cthulhu Dark in a way I can remember
- “My Precious Encounter” — Boss Fights vs Trash Mobs
- Re: Returning to Rappan Athuk
- To RC from 5e
- RC Character Options
- d12
- A problem player?
- One adventure per level is a bad framework
- Oh, how I'm älting hexes and squares
- WotC vs Witches
- Advance prime requisite bonuses?
- Old Inventory
- Daywalking Burdock's Valley
- The misguided idea to do math to numbers rolled on dice
- Fast-Talk skills
- The Skill Fix!
- The exquisite quality of blorbiness
- Influence rolls
- Mixing Rules Cyclopedia D&D with GURPS
- Huge hexes FTW
- Secret-keeping is the DM's most important job
- D&D upgrademania
- Underclock thoughts
- Isomorphic hangup
- Hooks are great
- RPG gazetteers, I belatedly forgive them
- Consequence thresholds in Silhouette and in Fate
- The Chasm Width Problem
- All roleplaying games have aspects
- Seriealbum vs filmer
- Star Wars movie watching order
- God of the Gaps
- From "Hipster" to "Boomer"
- What do the little dots and rings over letters mean?
- Diacritics Stencil
- Earth is really old, you guys
- Semmel Rules
- CSS — Back to Basics
- There are only… wait
- Side effects may include
- Runaway JavaScript Spec
- Digital Rain
- Buoys in the Harbor
- Scheme Refactoring Catalog
- Ido vs Esperanto
- I only listen to sad, sad songs
- Text-TV blir dålig
- Color mismatch
- Coin denominations
- Swedish language trivia!
- Naming philosophy (for Lisp stuff)
- Language grab-bag, chapter 1
- Cilce Palette
- When the sequel makes the original worse
- Book-reading tips
- Article writing rules
- Breaking Things at Work
- Whitespace philosophy (for Lisp stuff)
- It sucks on screenreaders
- Art, in three ways
- All a phone needs to do
- The Art Fear
- PDA vs books
- Gemini Ain't Broke
- How I got better at art
- When the Galaxy got a modem
- One offline night
- The Holocene Calendar
- Truth vs advertising in food and taste
- Popsquares
- Re: Smart quotes are a skeuomorphism
- A GDPR mystery
- Against Faux Sperrsatz Emphasis
- Loose Translation
- Crunch at the right level
- Against Tree Taxonomy Models
- Against Pinocchio
- Discussing copyright and scarcity
- The Art that Broke the Mold
- Song Symmetry
- Genre Awareness
- Världsspråket
- You can tell I really really wanna complain about it but I'm not gonna
- Reverse your articles
- The World Language
- Orc bashing was bad all this time
- My two rules for superhero resurrection
- Mutating Heroes
- The path through prose
- Intro to Yee Diagrams
- Five Senses
- Better Website
- Why are links blue and purple?
- AI art is bad
- Feldstein's Method
- Genre vs Literature
- Back panel settings
- Noromo
- Modern Art
- Back cover
- The Cooperative Principle
- Writing Style Guide
- SVT vs cloud
- Reference
- When an AI researcher didn't research AI
- Echo chambers
- Linen finish cards are bad
- The pandering panic
- Whales are fish
- Världsbiblioteket
- WYSIWYG vs markup
- New York City I
- Understanding
- There's a blaze of light in every word
- A weird framework is not itself a compelling mystery
- Paragraph
- Phonics vs Whole Language Instruction
- All that is solid melts into air
- Include needless words
- Re: Feeds are a dark pattern
- Their grate
- Cultural appropriation
- Grawlix
- Playing cards with indicators along one edge
- Dom-reform, ja tack!
- Emphasis vs Italics
- Eating your info vegetables
- Re: Bullet Points vs Prose
- Zettelkasten
- Gemini vs Web Semantics
- Wax Sticks
- Fingers and thumbs
- Carrots & Cigarettes
- The piano-playing fish
- Competence — A new approach to story
- Idiomdrottning brace style
- För en ny svengelska
- show-trailing-whitespace is my friend
- AI is UI
- Dagger Dagger
- Critics and recommendations
- No to SEO
- Wiki on the wider web
- Source languages, intermediary formats, and output formats
- Recursive appeal to probability
- Knowledge sharing
- Ni
- E-Prime
- Thinking about the Gibberish app
- The Customer Service Email Experience
- Magical realism
- Painting eyes video
- “Clearly pirated” vs counterfeit
- One “left”, one “right”—brain edition
- Content Warning
- Kålsupare
- Covers and cubism
- My experience with Secure Scuttlebutt
- What counts as screentime?
- Art theft spinning the heart around a wire
- The Zone of Suck
- Dashes
- Books vs Internet
- The CD disc
- Haiku
- Språktidningen och högersvenskan
- Its Patsy
- Image descriptions
- The Dumbphone Experience
- AI punditry
- The Nostalgia Beret
- Scheherazade
- The taboo of repeating names
- Internet var en fluga
- Utopian ghouls
- Too many books
- Rön
- Likes and Reactions
- Knådtext
- Making cracks where the light could shine through at last
- Star Wars comes and goes
- Mythos easily explained
- Too much reincorporation can be a good thing
- Singular they
- The Page Flow Ad
- The wrath sing, Yoda, of Anakin's son, Skywalker
- Thinker or Themer?
- Att översätta “D&D” till “Drakar och demoner”
- Welcome to Earth
- God of the Gaps
- Tro, hopp, och/eller kärlek
- Sagan om lammet
- Ulvaeus om Gud & Dukkha
- Running the Sleeping Beauty Experiment
- All I have to do
- Sitting
- Free Will
- The Secular Afterlife Myth
- Wrapping up “Conspiracy”
- Ending Spoilers: The Brothers Lionheart and The Good Place
- Good or Bad
- Guilt by Association
- “Good” is the enemy of “perfect”
- Means vs Ends
- New Mutants Journal Prompts
- It's OK if people are wrong and bad
- The Flawed "Text Filter" Approach to Kindness
- Re: The Thoughts The Civilized Keep
- If by a true Scotsman's whiskey, you mean
- Buoys in the Harbor
- Throne Culture
- Tragedy vs Statistics
- I only listen to sad, sad songs
- When algebra is easier than subtraction
- The mensch↔hardass scale
- Separating art from artist
- Coin denominations
- The Game Sent By God
- Extend the language
- Farewell, Hanlon
- When the sequel makes the original worse
- Towards a sweet spot of urgency
- P-Zombies
- The Art Fear
- Better enough
- The Appeal of Online
- Dialectics
- One offline night
- Punishment and validation
- Truth vs advertising in food and taste
- State the Obvious
- Unreasonable
- Fear and Delight
- Acceptansfrågan
- Against Pinocchio
- I Doubt It
- You can tell I really really wanna complain about it but I'm not gonna
- Intro to Yee Diagrams
- There's no home for you here
- Believe Women
- Biblical Marriage
- 180s
- When some evangelicals worshipped the wrong guy
- Let's keep trying together
- Noromo
- git clarity
- Debate
- Back cover
- Who is best in life?
- Three stories about appeal to authority
- Reference
- Planned vs evolved behavior
- When an AI researcher didn't research AI
- A God for Ants
- The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator problem
- The Analog Guideline
- Take breaks when learning
- Understanding
- That you don't know what you did wrong makes it so much worse
- There's a blaze of light in every word
- Invalidating
- Everyone, learn how to code
- All that is solid melts into air
- Evangelicals & Climate Change
- Against the “Criterion of Embarrassment”
- Winning
- Machine Learning—good and bad arguments against
- How rational human beings exchange ideas
- The Secular Internet
- Hitchens and the Myth of Socrates
- The Bible and climate change
- Venom is not a good sage's charge
- Gazing back from “The Universe Next Door”
- Occam's Turtles All the Way
- No baby is an island
- The God of the Gaps is coming from inside the house
- Golgafrincham Ark Fleet Ship B
- Debbie Downer comes to town
- The disillusioned, enlightened climated delayists
- The “Well, actually”–nerd and world politics
- Atheists
- Savoring & Wandering
- Calm notifications
- A dangerous religion
- The one thing those knuckle-scraping gas-guzzling troglodytes will never understand is…
- The block universe and you
- Disinfo
- Recursive appeal to probability
- The old nothing
- For the Broken Clown
- E-Prime
- Thinking about the Gibberish app
- Likes
- One “left”, one “right”—brain edition
- Premature consistency
- Content Warning
- An avalanche of dogs
- What counts as screentime?
- The State-Sponsored Nangijala Trip
- Kalvarna
- Delayed disappointment
- Once I wasn't here and then I suddenly appeared and now I seem to be at home in earth and air
- Proving a negative
- Responsibility vs determinism
- Block universe vs simulation hypothesis
- Help! We're stuck in the best of all possible worlds!
- Rön
- Wielding the Unfree Will
- Likes and Reactions
- SVT mot internet
- That's fun for my copy, but how about me?
- Hermit Crab on Laundry Day
- Atheism
- Against religion?
- Skuldens ideologi
- How Shutter Island got the name wrong
- Fighting the Screen
- Intent vs Results
- Contexts and sequencing